How to support my work

Fun fact: You already did

So, you wonder how to support me and my work. Actually, you already helped me by just being here. I do not make any profit from this, but still, simply seeing each day that someone somewhere spend some time on this website feels like such a privilege. So thank you for that.

A step further

You feel like being in a graph and making me happy is not yet enough. Ok then, an other thing to do to extend on that without spending any money, but still making my day, would be making any tipe of contact, wether it is a comment or email, a follow, a criticism or even praise, it doesn’t matter, the simple aspect of you finding the time to talk to me would mean so much to me.

Above and beyond

If you want to do something absolutly ridiculous to support me, there are many things you can do.

Ask me for a commision – we both get something from it, you finance a project for me and pay for my effort and recieve a one of a kind model. In case you are interested please contact me personally with your idea and we will find a way to get it done.


Important: commissions are not open yet, hopefully soon though.

Support me financially – not to be pittied or anything, but as a fact I am still student, with only a small side-hustle, thus money is always a problem. In addition keeping this website up and running is taking up a pritty big part of my budget. Thus any money given to me, wether it is 10ct or whatever amount it will be, it will be used interely either for my projects, the savings mentioned on my planned-projects-page or this website. Support me financially – not to be pittied or anything, but as a fact I am still student, with only a small side-hustle, thus money is always a problem. In addition keeping this website up and running is taking up a pritty big part of my budget. Thus any money given to me, wether it is 10ct or whatever amount it will be, it will be used interely either for my projects, the savings mentioned on my planned-projects-page or this website. (Feel free to let me know what you want the money to be used for). Ways to let me have these contributions in the near future will be patreon or paypal. (A small disclaimer, please do not feel pressured into doing this, I am more than capable to continue my work without many problems with the means I currently have. Still any amount would help me make my models more professional and easy for me.)

Support me with materials – Tools, paints, kits, reference books could all be a huge help and a big cut into my budget – anything in that regard would be really very nice to receive and would give you the absolute certainty that it will be used for modeling. (As it would in any other form, but you get my point) My address for things like this can be found in my imprint.