Weekly news

A little explanation

This is basically going to be a diary of sorts for my current progress, success and failures in making models. No way to hide mistakes or imperfections, this is the raw deal. In addition to this at the very top we always have the latest teaser – not all projects receive teasers, but some big ones.

It is basically a more detailed weekly-workshop-report, for thoise too lazy to read the paragraph above.

Current teaser

(Teaser for the MAZ-537g)

New entries should be published every Monday morning, since I am oft in the workshop on sunday until the lat hours. Still I am unable to ensure regular updates because of work, life and similar, so please do not pin me down on it – I try my best to get them out as regulary as possible, but no guarentee.

01.09.2024 + 08.09.2024 + 15.09.2024

Well, at least better in terms of time, but still not great. A lot of changes are currently happening in my private life that keep me from enjoying what I like to do, thus a lot less time, a lot less motivation, a lot less joy and a lot less pride in what i do. Thus I only managed to get two things continued. First of the Centurion MK.5/2. Here I was able to continue the construction marginally, but the base is nearing complete in terms of rough shape. The other big topic on the list was the installation of a big manual mill. Thus my workshop was and still is a complete mess making me unable to continue work.

Centurion Mk.5/2: construction and base continued

No Progress:
T-62-bdd: article still in the making
Hotchkiss H39
Churchill AVRE

07.07.2024 + 14.07.2024 + 21.07.2024 + 28.07.2024 + 04.08.2024 + 11.08.2024 + 18.08.2024 + 25.08.2024

Well, that much about weekly news, well, f_ _ _. That’s, that’s a really long time, I am just realising it now as of writing this weekly news. Well, it shouldn’t surprise me that much, a lot has happened in this time. Work started for me. My girlfriend had to leave town for a month, just, a lot of stuff that kept me off modeling and writing, but, what did I get done, since, I did get a good bit of work done.
However this time there are some pretty notable projects, specifically the Centurion 5/2 and the H39. The Churchill Mk.5/2 is yet again a rebuild from the Shot-kal-gimel that was recently moved to the shelf of shame and now has made a welcome quick return. Now with new life in the form of the 5/2. More details I will keep for now, but especially the composition and execution of the 5/2 will be something new for sure. And the second notable project is the H39. Here I decided to finally build a tank in an “art-style”. This specific model is inspired by the gamemode “steel-hunter” from the video game “world-of-tanks”. However I will also keep the details on that topic a secret for now.

T-55a: construction continued – interior of the hull and turret mostly completed, exterior begun and well on it’s way
T-62-bdd: construction finished and article in the making.
Hotchkiss H39: construction revamped, conversion to “steel hunter” theme
Centurion Mk.5/2: construction nearing completion
Man-kat1: Construction continued, half way I would say

No Progress:
Churchill AVRE


Well, this week a lot of progress on two projects: First of the T-55a 1981 – construction of the interior is coming a long great, however not a lot to tell here, it is just a lot of work, but honestly fun work. Other than that mostly clean up for the workshop. Mainly clean up and some new tools.

T-55a: construction continued – interior of the hull mostly completed

No Progress:
Hotchkiss H39
Churchill AVRE

16.06.2024 + 23.06.2024

Now, as the TKS-20 is completed I can now direct my attention to new models. First of all I want to finally finish the construction on the T-62, I did not get to this model untill now however. But I have two new and esciting models on the workbench: First of all the MAN-kat1 in the configuration with two axles as a tanker truck. Here I opted to upgrade the model with resin wheels from defmodel as well as the PE-set by voyager. Further more I started the construction of the T-55a mod.1981 – What I have planned there will be kept secret for now atleast.

tks-20: complete
Man-kat1: construction begun
T-55a: construction begun

No Progress:
Hotchkiss H39
Churchill AVRE


Now we are slowly coming back to the usuall. This week I only worked on one model, but it was so worth it. Why? We finally have another model complete. The small little cute TKS-20. But I leave the details on that for its own article. The rest was in favour for the TKS put aside.

tks-20: complete, article in the making

No Progress:
Hotchkiss H39
Churchill AVRE

19.05.2024 + 26.05.2024 + 02.06.2024

Well, better, not by much, but better. Well, finally I have my A-level finished. Now I am just waiting for the results. Still not time to fully relax, but on a great way. But enough about my life, but more about the models. This time the work was focused on two models. The T-62-bdd and the tks-20. The first one however only recieved minor work. All of the PE is now complete. Only two more things in term of construction left to go: Stowage and weld-seams. Most of the work was put into the TKS however. The interior painting is fully complete. The base and detailing painting is also complete and the weathering begun. So overall mediocre progress, maybe enough for 1, maybe 1,5 weeks. But certainly not enough for 3 weeks. I really need to get back into my usual work flow and do more.

T-62-bdd: construction basically completed, stowage and weld-seams left to do
tks-20: interior painting complete, base and detailpainting complete, weathering begun

No Progress:
Hotchkiss H39
Churchill AVRE

14.4.2024 + 21.4.2024 + 28.4.2024 + 5.5.2024 + 12.5.2024

Well, here we go again, what is actually happeníngn, weekly news? But two times in a row a break of 5 weeks. It is however still with the same cause of “last week” if you can call it like that. Still working on my A-level. However I am soon done with it. Because of this I sadly did not manage to get a lot done in the last weeks. First of all a new addition to the stash in the form of the Kraz-258 as a resin conversion set as well as the base-kit by hobbyboss. In terms of the other projects: Most progress was done on the T-62-bdd. This model is now almost done in terms of construction and is only missing weld-seams, last details and some more stowage. For the Churchill: Basepainting is now complete and the detailpainting is except for the tracks also completed. Furthermore I also managed to complete the basic construction for its base. Now for some change in models: The Shot Kal Gimel and the ZSU-57-2 went to the shelf of shame for now. The M31 however left said shelf. This model now recieved base-painting, detailpainting and the first stage of weathering. Now just the figure, second and third stage of weathering as well as the base left to go. Last but not least I started the new projects of the Hotchkiss H-39 as well as the TKS-20. Both are done in terms of construction and are awaiting paints.

T-62-bdd: construction almost completed
Churchill AVRE: basepainting completed, detail painting almost done
Hotchkiss H39: construction completed
tks-20: construction almost completed
M31: base and detailpainting completed, weathering in the making

No Progress:

Shot Kal Gimel: moved to shelf of shame
ZSU-57-2: moved to shelf of shame
Kraz-258: added to stash

10.3.2024 + 17.3.2024 + 24.3.2024 + 1.4.2024 + 8.4.2024

That is a long break from the weekly news. And aso in Terms of projects I did not get that much done. Why is that? I am currently approching my final exams for the German A-level. Thus I can’t spend as much time on the models as possible. However once I am done (end of May) I can spend a lot more time. Thus I will be able to compensate and hopefully get my goal of 6 models a year completed. However I was not completly lazy. Both the T-62 bdd as well as the Churchill were continued.

T-62-bdd: basic construction and super-detailing begon, stowage, weld-seams and last details left to add
Churchill AVRE: Base-apinting and diorama composition almsot done, detail-painting is next.

No Progress:
Shot Kal Gimel


This week a lot has happened: First of all the MAZ was finished, now I only have to write the article and then I am done with this project. Additionally I was allowed to attend my first exhibition this sunday on the other side. SO first time exhibiting my models to the public with the SMB Lemgo. It was for me personally a fabulous first exhibtion, meeting a lot of new people and making lots of new connections. In the case that I can get a hold of a few pictures I will also publish a short article about that. Additionally as the MAZ is now complete it was time to start a new project. This time I chose the T-62 bdd with the kmt-5m mineroller. Further more I moved the M31 to the shelf of shame for now atleast. Just to get some space in my project list.

MAZ-537g late: complete, article still needs to be written
T-62-bdd: Good progress: Basic construction begun and well on it’s way

No Progress:
Churchill AVRE
M31 – moved to shelf of shame
Shot Kal Gimel


Third week, lets gooo, we are on a roll, not only with the weekly news, but also in Terms of projects, the MAZ was again the main point of interest. It is now almost complete and basically ready for the first exhibition: The show of the SMB in Lemgo on the third of March. Once the MAZ is done I will also beginn preparing for this event.

MAZ-537g late: fabulous progress – Weathering and base almost completed, only last details, final article coming soon.

No Progress:
Churchill AVRE
Shot Kal Gimel


Two weeks in a row writing true weekly news, yay, finally, but, what about the projects now, exciting and not so exciting news at the same time: The only model to recieve any progress is still the MAZ-537g, the progress there however is great: Base-painting and detail-painting are both completed and weathering started. The chassis and interior are both mostly completed, now for the cab next, then deatil-weathering and dust/mud. At the current rate the model will be completed in time for the Exhibition on the third of March.

MAZ-537g late: great progress: detail-painting completed, weathering well on its way

No Progress:
Churchill AVRE
Shot Kal Gimel


Now finally back to the weekly new. For how long? Nobody knows. What i do know however is the progress of the least week. To everyones huge surprise I continued to work on the MAZ-537g for the show in March. This week I managed to make complete the WIP-article and also complete almost all of the base-paintjob.

MAZ-537g late: fabulous progress – WIP article and base-painting complete

No Progress:
Churchill AVRE
Shot Kal Gimel

15.1.2024 + 22.1.2024 + 27.1.2024 + 5.2.2024

Well, that much about the “weekly” part of the weekly news, monthly seems to be a more accurate description, but why? Currently I stopped all projects except for the MAZ-537g – a project with a huge workload and lots and lots of details to be added. The cherry on top? I want to present this model on the show of the SMB on the 3rd of March. Thus this porject is my only current focus.

MAZ-537g late: great progress – construction completed

No Progress:
Churchill AVRE
Shot Kal Gimel

8.1.2024 + 1.1.2024 + 25.12.2023 + 18.12.2023

The reason for the delay: just life: holidays, vacation, work, personal problems, etc… Just a lot to do besides modeling: But still it managed to complete a good chunk, however not enough to hit my monthly upload schedule. Most work was done on the couple projects: The base and detail painting of the Stug is now done and the MAZ-537 was started, however this model turned out to be far more work than expected. It will require a full rework of the transmission (inaccurate) and engine (missing). The Base-painting of the Churchill has been started, but did not get very far. In addition I managed to complete the end-of-year report.

Stug-4: decent progress – base and detail painting
MAZ-537g late: – great progress – construction and rework begun – lots of work
Churchill mk.III AVRE: minor progress – base painting begun

No Progress:
Shot Kal Gimel


Some minor progress on a small side project using leftover parts, otherwise I mainly continued the building of my new room. The only modeling related thing in there: I now finally have a showcase for most of my models.

No Progress:
Churchill mk.III AVRE
Shot Kal Gimel

26.11.2023 + 3.12.2023

Sick – I caught a cold, not surprising in the German winter. But this made it not possible to work in the workshop (not heated and badly isolated with just a small radiator)

12.11.2023 + 19.11.2023

Modeling: In all honesty it is very convenient to put a few weeks together in one update. Thus updates like this may follow. If possible I will keep up the weekly news, but when there is a lot to do (modelling related or not) I will return to a form like this. But now about the models. First of all we may welcome a new addition to the stash and the finished models: The Humber mk.II as arrived and the T-80 lt is now completed. Additionally since I finished one project I was allowed to start the next one.

My choice: The recently traded Churchill mk.III avre in exchange for the mk.IV with carpet layer. The resin-tracks however remained in my posession. The construction is now completed and the article in the making.

Humber mk.II: arrived
T-80: good progress – completed
Stug-4: some progress – base and detail painting going along nicely
Churchill mk.III AVRE: great Progress: construction finished

No Progress:
ZSU-57-2 – still demotivated from the “matt” varnish
Shot Kal Gimel

22.10.2023 + 29.10.2023 + 5.11.2023

Modeling: Why do have such a long break here? Good question. The last few weeks were a little bit chaotic. I git sick, in school the next exam-phase came rolling down on me and soon I will also move rooms. But enough about that, just a little explanation afterall, not a full story, what about the models? There is some, but not great, atleast not for three weeks, but still, some.

BMP-3: moved to the shelf of shame, atleast for now
M31: good progress – moved off of the shelf of shame, turned into a wedgie, construction and priming complete
T-80: great progress – Painting, detail painting and weathering complete, only the diorama left to go, waiting for the base currently
Stug-4: some progress – base-paintjob started

No Progress:
Zsu-57-2 – well, technically progress, recieved a clear coat, supposed to be matt, was not matt, currently looking for solutions
Stug 3g
Shot Kal Gimel

8.10.2023 + 15.10.2023

Modeling: Great progress over the last two weeks. The Valentine has been completed inculding the article and the next couple-project has been begun. My model being a Stug 4 by Tamiya, but modified to a great extend. These modifications include left-over parts from the RFM Pzkpfw.4, Tracks from an old Trumpeter kit and a decent variety of stowage. In addition to these work on the main project was also continued. The Interior as well as the base-paintjob of the ZSU 57 2 are now completed and prepared for the next steps: basic and advanced weathering including discoloration, pinwahses and similar.

Valentine Mk. IX: great Progress – fully completed article
Zsu 57 2: great Progress – Interior and base-paintjob fully completed – basic weathering up next
Stug 4: great Progress – project begun – construction and priming complete – base-paintjob up next

No Progress:
Stug 3g
T-80 lt
Shot Kal Gimel


Modeling: In general good progress on two models. The Valentine should be finished the next week and a new project was begun, the zsu 57 2 which was in my stash now for some time. No other noteworthy occurences this week. Next two weeks should be great, since I have holiday and thus more time to work on my models.

Valentine Mk. IX: great Progress – chipping completed – dirt and mud weathering up next
Zsu 57 2: good Progress – construction begun, interior half way completed

No Progress:
Stug 3g
T-80 lt
Shot Kal Gimel


Modeling: Good progress this week in general: The tracks for the Stug 3 arrived and were directly installed alongside other minor things. The pinwahses and the artificial shadows on the Valentine are done as well and the t80 was also continued. In addition to this the SU-152 arrived in great shape and is now added to my stash togetehr with some other greeblies for added detail. (3 Figures and some ammoboxes)

Stug 3g: great Progress – tracks arrived and installed, Spare tracks mounted and last details made
Valentine MK.IX: decent Progress – pin washes and artificial shadows complete, chipping next up
T-80 lt: some progress – article almost done, detail painting half way
SU-152 + PE: everything arrived

No Progress:
T55amv: needing some repairs before continuation
ISU-122s: Primer and baseplate arrived, but no time so far
BMP 3: no motivation
Shot Kal Gimel: no particular reason


Modeling: Great Progress overall this week. Last details were added to the Shot Kal Gimel, the T80 recieved it’s base coat and the Valentine MK.IX has the discoloration finished and Pinwashes as well as artificial shadows are well on their way. Sadly I did not manage to get the article for the T80 done this week, but I hope to change this next week. Also one new kit is on it’s way, one new arrived and one I hope to order soon.

Valentine MK.IX: great Progress – discoloration complete, pinwashes and artificial shadows well on the way
T80 lt: decent progress – base-painmtjob completed, detail painting next on the list – article still missing, but that should change next week
Shot Kal Gimel: minor progress: last details, stowage and antennas build, construction new truly completed
Jagdtiger porsche suspension: arrived
SU-152 + PE: on it’s way

No Progress:
T55amv: needing some repairs before continuation
Stug 3g: still waiting on Tracks
ISU-122s: Primer and baseplate arrived, but no time so far
BMP 3: no motivation


Modeling: In general great progress this week: My Girlfriend managed to catch up and we both completed our vase-paintjobs as well as the detail painting. Other than that the PE parts for the T80 were cancelled and it’s construction was completed alongside the Shot Kal Gimel. The T80 will still recieve It’s article, not only because I already started working on it, but also because there are still some interesting techniques in it worth talking about. The SHot Kal Gimel will only get it’s article once it’s fully donce, since the construction itself was largely straight from the box.

Valentine MK.IX: decent progress – base-paintjob and detail painting completed – weathering next on the list
T80 lt: decent progress – PE was cancelled -> decision to continue without, construction completed – article next on the list
Shot Kal Gimel: decent progress – construction completed

No Progress:
T55amv: needing some repairs before continuation
Stug 3g: still waiting on Tracks
ISU-122s: Primer and baseplate arrived, but no time so far
BMP 3: no motivation


Modeling: Since my girlfriend isn’t that used to the hobby I have to let her do some catching up, thus there is no prgress on the Valentine this week. Still I wanted and had to get something continued with in order to stay atleast partially sane. SInce all projects currently have a factor that does not allow me to contine to work on them I had to begin a new one? Thus I decided to begin a vehicle that was resting in my stash for quiet some time now: The shot kal gimel by afv-club.

Shot Kal Gimel: Great progress – construction about 2/3 of the way
Valentine MK.IX: Minor progress – almost completed the base-paintjob

No Progress
T55amv: needing some repairs before continuation
Stug 3g: still waiting on Tracks
ISU-122s: waiting on primer and base-plate (should arrive both next week)
BMP 3: no motivation
T-80 lt: still waiting on PE


Modeling: No Progress on the T-80. I am still waiting on the PE for this fella. Good progress on the Valentine. Construction is now finished, but it will recieve an article that includes everything at once, since it isn’t that complex of a project, unlike the T80. Other projects are also still chilling. Thinking about using a list to track progress on all.

Valentine MK.IX: Good progress – construction completed, painting begun

No Progress
T55amv: needing some repairs before continuation
Stug 3g: still waiting on Tracks
ISU-122s: waiting on primer and base-plate
BMP 3: no motivation
T-80 lt: waiting on PE


Life: Schooltrip from monday to friday (no modeling done this week)


Modeling: The T-80 was build until the point where I could not continue without aftermarket parts. Still waiting for those. But, as already said last week, since my girlfriend is back and long distance is now over we can begin with the couple-project: VAlentine MK IX and Type 95 HA Go. Great progress on both this week.


Modeling: The Pzkpfw. 4 Ausf. J is now completed and I am very much satisfied with the final result, but, as pointed out by a fellow modeler the additional track-links were put over the optics. I will have to take a look at it to get it fixed. As this project was completed and my girlfriend still did not return yet to start the couple-project I decided to begin with the T-80 even though the aftermarket for it was still on the way. Later this week she did return and to get some first training we decided to do some stuff first with this model together.


Modeling: decent progress on the Pzkpfw. 4 Ausf. J, i will get it completed in the next few days with the article following shortly after. No Progress on other models because of the internship.


Modeling: minor progress on the Pzkpfw. 4 Ausf. J, but not much more. I expect to get this one done in the next two to three weeks.

Life: One week of holiday on the North Sea coast


Modeling: No progress on the ISU-122s, since I wanted to take a small break. At first work continued on the M31 but after getting completly frustrated on it it moved now onto the shelf of shame until, well, until something happens. After that I continued work on the Pzkpfw. 4 Ausf. J – a radical shift of plan, but going great so far.



Modeling: Great progress and completion of the ISU-122s and well, that’s the only progress, all other ones are sitting silently on the side waiting to be continued. Next week their time will come, since I want to take a small break from the ISU after working 2 weeks basically straight on it. (as far as other things allowed for this)

Life: since besides the drivers license again not much happened I am changing it up and will from now on only write about this topic when I need to explain occurrences in the modeling sector arises.


Modeling: No progress on the T55 was made, since I need to get an idea on how to make the road look half-decent. Otherwise construction on the ISU-122s was begun with great progress, but I am still waiting for the last package. The final article on the construction can be expected in the week of the 17th.

Life: currently outside of making models the only activity is getting my drivers license, thus not much to tell here, since these two take up basically all of my time.


Modeling: Most of my time was put into the diorama for the t55. It sadly takes longer than expected, thus it will sadly still take some time.

Life: This week was pretty relaxing. Last week of school and now into holidays, well, for hald a week until the work starts again for my drivers license, but still good enough.


Modeling: Work on the workshop is now completed. The same is true for the T55+kmt9. The paintjob and weathering is finished, next step is now the diorama. Here I plan for street-fight setting with a ruin and lots of debrie.

Life: Not too much new things to talk about, the holidays are almost there, but my time for building models was reduced from 3 weeks to 1 week because of an internship, but here priorities had to be made. Still I hope to get a lot of stuff done in the meantime, since I do not have to invest time into learning.


Modeling: The work on the workshop is now mostly completed, only minor things left to do. Most importantly: I now have a second work space as well as a proper place to put, store and use my lathe, so expect some models involving this in the near future.

But of course also work was done on the models. The T55amv did not see any progress, but the smaller T55+kmt9 had a lot of progress. This included almost the full paintjob. Now only small details as well as it’s diorama is missing, which will be a lot of work, but certainly an interesting challenge being the first proper building (maybe, I am not completely sure yet). That one should be done in late June, maybe in early July, but I don’t think so.

Life: Nothing much to talk about – which is a good thing. The exams are done, most of school is done, my leg is healed, now only the last weeks of school, then in the summer holidays my drivers license and then basically 3 weeks (6 weeks total – 2 weeks drivers-license – 1 week holiday -> 3 weeks to build). So lots of time and lots of things to be done – great for scale-modleing.


Modeling: good progress – the T55-amv is in terms of construction completly finished and the small side project, the Pzkpfw.4 Ausf.d/e “Untold Stories” is also completed. Further more I am now the owner for my first lathe. That opens up a completely new array of possibilities

Life: Why this huge gap? In the beginning of May I went through surgery and also had my 17th birthday, after that I mostly just got out of rhythm, which I want to apologize for. Hopefully from now there will be more regular updates, ideally weakly as promised.


Modeling: going on a normal level – school has begun again, still the electronics of the T55-amv are finished now – focus is now on the exterior

Life: nothing exciting, school, job, etc, just the normal stuff…


Modeling: no progress was made on the T-55 with kmt-9, but I managed to get on with the T55-amv, maybe I will take some first WIP-pictures and publish them soon, or atleast some teasers, we will have to wait and see.

Life: absolutly nothing noteworthy, my entire life consisted of modeling, reading and texting with my gf, it was the last week of holidays and everything I had to get done, I had already completed last week. If only all weeks could be like this one, it would be a dream, or maybe it would not, I believe a bit of stress is good for me, as I realised over the course of this week, but still it would be an absolute dream.


Modeling: Great progress on both T-55’s. The first one recieved painting and weathering, the second one both smokegenerators and the first visual upgrades.

Life: Yeay, still free time, not as much as last week, but a lot more than previously – explanation for the good process.


Modeling: mainly progress on the T55 amv 1:16 – it recieved a new mfu, servos, speaker and lights and I am currently waiting for the new smokemodules. I have spent most of my time on it, but some progress was also made on the small T55 – mainly while i was waiting for packages to arrive.

Life: finally more time, the exam phase is just over, now I have got about 4 weeks to relax untile the next one starts in may once again, still a great time now for progress 😀


Modeling: Decent progress: The T55 has got it’s first layer of paint, now i will slowly get into weathering. In addition to this I was able to get a Hooben-T55 at a very reasonable price – I will now work on that first, but hopefully I will still be able to keep the deadline for the T55+kmt9, but no promises in that regard.

Life: Exam-phase – it slows everything down to a great extend. Also I sadly was not able to publish weekly as promised, still I will try my very best to do so – soon everything should be different again.


Modeling: Quite a bit is done now. The article for the e-60 is completed and the M31 has the construction and article finished by now as well. The M31 will now be stopped for a while, since I first want to complete the Syrian T-55 with kmt-9. First to get it off my shelf of shame and also to make it the new main-image of the website, since the composition fits nicely.

Life: Again not much to tell here, currently in my exam phase, which is also the reason why I missed last weeks report. In addition to this I will be having surgery next week, so expect less progress over the next two weeks, sorry for that.


Modeling: Good progress done this week: Most of the weathering on the e-60 is finished by now, heading into the last details now. The article should be out by the end of this or beginning of next week. Furthermore the more detailed article on the t55 has finally been completed, sorry again for the time it took.

Life: Fairly boring. But sadly this is my last relaxed week. Now I am heading straight into the exam-phase again, so progress may slow down again, but I will still try my best to publish constant updates on here. That’s also pretty much all. I know, my life isn’t that interesting, but I am also just a normal human who spends most his days completing stuff for work and school and after that some model making. That’s my day, not much can happen here.


Modeling: A lot of work done. The e-60 has just been completed, I just have the pictures and the article left to do, so expect it tomorrow or the day after that. A lot of work has already been put into a new project, the next subject is the m31 t2 arv. A little surprise bought from my local hobby shop, but I am really enjoying the theme, the kit not so much, but I will get into that in it’s article.

Life: Also a lot. Right in the phase of the exams. More learning, less time for modelling, but I currently manage to do both fairly well. And the worst of the bunch is already done. Other than that there aren’t so many other things. Life is not very eventfull right now. Some problems have occurred with other people, but those are personal details I do not want to publish. Simply because of a concept of privacy.


Modeling: So, got quite a bit of work done, including distressing, washes, chipping, oil stains, etc… So now at about 75% I would estimate. Therefore I should get it done by very early march. Also I promised earlier this week to write a more detailed article about the T-55 syria, but couldn’t finish it and I am very sorry for that, but I should get it done by either today or tomorrow.

Life: Not much to tell here, the pain is gone, a cold came and went, but that’s also pretty much all. But a very positive note is that my long distance girlfriend will most likely come for the spring hollidays. So all in all a very nice week. The rest was just your usual to do stuff: School, learn, study, work, etc…


Modeling: The construction on the e-60 was completed and the WIP-article was published as promised last week. (ha, finally in my time-table) Furthermore the painting has been started. The choice was a grey-oxidred dazzle camo.

Life: Better than last week, so much is for sure. The pain is gone and I can eat normally. This week was also the deadline for the research paper, so aIso won‘t have to worry about that next week. Of course everything else goes on as usual, it is just a bit more relaxed. That is why I have more time for modelling, which I need, since I want to take this e-60 to the pms-sachsen in march, but that is still not sure, so I can not make promises, seeing that I have some problems there with my father, but I will try my best to make it work.


Modeling: armor, textures and weld seems were added to the e-60, the side-skirts have also been done – the construction part is very close to complete, hopefully the WIP-article will be ready by next week to stay in the time frame.

Life: well, kinda shit, that may also be why I started all this this week. I had Wisdom-tooth surgery on tuesday and, well, as expected, it hurts like shit, you can’t eat anything, you just feel miserable, but, what else did I expect. Other than that not much has happend, atleast the green stuff to get the weld seems done arrived on time, but there hasn’t been much progress this week as I was distracted by the pain, my researchpaper that needs to be done, homework, learning, you get the picture. There haven’t been many other things this week, so, yeah, first report done I would say.